Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Celebrating Commitments

Unity in the Body of Christ. Believers, new and old alike, taking new steps of commitment and faith. Tears of joy shed for the growing and coming Kingdom of God on earth.

On Sunday, three of the Mission District churches met in Tepotzlan, a small mountainous village south of Mexico City. Friends from the Casa de Paz, Coapa, and Cuernavaca churches came together to celebrate what God is doing among us. A member of a cell group in Mexico City allowed us to use her house and pool for this special day. Around eighty people came by van and bus to worship together.

Eight people were baptized in the swimming pool and their post-pool testimonies were inspiring. We'll be remembering this "mountain-top" experience for years to come. Among those who received baptism were Eliseo and Lilian, a couple who have grown so much in the Lord in the last year and are now taking leadership responsibilities in the Casa de Paz church. Angelica has been attending for several months and said that she wanted to be the first one in her family to be baptized and we pray with her that the others will soon follow. Abraham and Miguel Angel, two young adult men, were baptized as their proud fathers looked on. A young man from the Cuernavaca congregation said that he had turned away from the Lord and was now returning and wanted to demonstrate to all present that God is faithful and able to bring good from any bad that we have in our lives. Another Miguel Angel said that he wanted to take the next step with God and with God's help would continue to learn and grow.

After the baptisms, we had a cookout and enjoyed the swimming pool. You can see a few more pictures on the Millers' blog site at in the photo album called "New Life".

Thank you for praying for those who were recently baptized. Pray that they will be plugged into discipleship and that we will be able to encourage and embrace them as the Body of Christ in Mexico City.

submitted by Joel for the team