Monday, July 2, 2007

view out Tizoc windows

Dear Mexico City Friends,

Yesterday was an exciting day for us in Mexico City and we wanted to share it with those who know the work here and pray for it.

Most of us involved in the new COAPA church plant have wondered how the attendance would run once the Guarellos moved to Leon.

Last Sunday we were still in Campeche, and we understood they had 9- which is good, considering all of those who were out of town. Today we had 15 in attendance in Coapa. We will list the people and add some prayer requests for those involved:

1.)Santa and Sandy-who recently celebrated her 38th birthday.

2.) Miguel Angel- His wife Teri did not come because her sister, Angeles, has cancer mets to the lung and now to the brain, and took a turn for the worse last night. Angeles is only 59, and one of the hard things is that they have a 24 y.o. son, who has the mental age of 4. Miguel Angel hopes to talk to her to see if she wants to be baptized. She has made a profession of faith with another pastor recently.

3.)Abraham and his daughter, Cynthia. Abraham spoke from Heb. 11 on faith and used lots of examples from Lucy's life and illness.

4.)Zaira and her husband Pablo. They are passing through some family struggle that has them very concerned.

5.)Miguel Angel (Jr.) and his girlfriend, Aline. He was recently baptized.

6.) Paty Gomez, who brought a friend of hers, who also lives on this street, just 2 doors from where the Millers used to live, and across from Paty. . Her name is Isabel, and she seems interested in activities at Tizoc too.

7.) Jann and I.

8.) Irma-who seems to be doing well after the death of her husband, and gave a strong victorious testimony, and thanks everyone for their prayers. She says her boys have been a big help to her with business matters.

9.) Eliseo-who played the guitar.

If you add all those up, I hope you get 15!

At 5 p.m. we went over to TIZOC for their evening service. Misael, the Murua's (new pastors at Tizoc) son played one keyboard and Eliseo/Lillian's son, Abrancito, played the other key board. Pastor Juan played the elec. guitar, and Eliseo played the bass.

Pastor Juan preached on I Peter 2:9 about us being a chosen priesthood, and did a fine job.

There were 36 people there, and some have only been coming a few months, and one young lady came for the first time tonight! Lillian asked for volunteers to take care of the birthday dinners, and the church cleaning schedule, and 2 young ladies volunteered, Dulce Yaneth and Yasmin.

The only BAD part of the day was that they had a potluck after each service and it was yummy! (Both times!)

You will be interested to know that Pastor Juan has chipped most of the hunk of rock out the back of the sanctuary. He said it took him about 3 hours, so I would think what little he has left will probably take an hour. It was raining hard while we had the potluck at TIZOC, and no rain was coming in on the west end.

Encouraged in Mexico City,

Gary & Jann Allen for the team

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