Friends, here is a report from VISA missionaries Kevin and Nicole Housel. They are serving in Leon alongside Pastor Jorge and Teresa. Please be in prayer for them as they adjust to the culture and as they look for ways to plug in to this young congregation. You can email them at knhousel@gmail.com or visit their blog by clicking on their names over in the right column of this blog.
English Classes Beginning
We are now offering English classes at the church. We have 2 classes for adults and 1 for kids. Please pray for this ministry opportunity. We are praying that through these classes we will be able to build relationships with the people in the classes and that more importantly we will be able to share the love of Jesus with them. Many people in other countries are so excited for the opportunity to learn English. We are thankful that we are able to reach out to the city of Leon through teaching English classes free of charge to the students.
Christmas Outreach to Hospital a Success!

A few days before Christmas, we went to the hospital to bring joy to the children. Usually when we go to the hospital, we take food for the relatives of patients in the hospital. For Christmas, we wanted to do something special. We made sacks and filled them with presents for all

of the babies and children that where in the hospital. It was so wonderful to see their faces brighten up when we handed them gifts. Along with bringing gifts for each of the children, we sang them Christian Christmas carols. We were able to bless 49 children and their families!
If you are interested in helping us give gifts to the children in the hospital for Kid’s Day, please contact us. Kid’s Day is a national holiday here in Mexico, so we hope to use it as an opportunity to reach out to the children in the hospital. It is an opportunity to bring joy to the kids who have to spend the holiday in the hospital.

New Ministry?
A new ministry God has placed it on our hearts to start ministering to a neighborhood very close to where we live. This past week we have been praying and talking to the Pastor about options for ministry. We feel that God is leading us towards a children’s ministry. We will write more in our next newsletter! (If you would like to receive the Housels' newsletters by email, simply drop them a note at their email: knhousel@gmail.com)
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