Our past week was spent working with a group from
Seattle, Washington. The group came down to serve
the church here in León by offering a vision clinic
and doing construction. During the vision clinic we
were able to hand out fliers about the church and
English classes.
It was a week of hard work for all involved. Each
day the vision clinic had lines of people waiting to
have their eyes checked and to be fitted with glasses.
The group brought thousands of pairs of glasses with
them. Some of these glasses may have been your old
glasses because some of them came from the Lions
During the week, we saw more than 800 people! On
Tuesday we had a record setting day because we saw
more than 270 people and worked for 11 hours. Most
days were closer to 200 people. We prayed everyday
that we would have the glasses that the people coming
would need. There were very few people that we
were not able to fit with glasses.
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