While the Seattle team mentioned in the post below worked in Leon, a team from Peterborough, Canada ministered in Mexico City. This group of 14 worked in construction and kids ministry.
The children's ministry was especially impacting as over 50 kids and many of their family members showed up on the final Sunday. During the week, they had enjoyed games, crafts, puppets, memory verses, and clowns. All of the children in attendance for this last service received a small gift bag from the team. Everyone enjoyed a traditional meal of pozole (po-so-lay) after the service as well as birthday cake to celebrate. We saw many new faces during the week and pray that the seeds planted by our friends grow into new life in Christ and new life in the local church. Thanks for joining us in that prayer.
The team also accompanied Pastor Juan and Eva to a new work in a part of the city called Xochimilco. There have been 2 adults and 2 children faithfully attending a short class on Sunday morning. The team had the chance to visit that work twice during their time here and invited many new families and children to the special kids service. They also gave groceries and clothing to some of the neediest families. Pastor Juan reports that the week following the team's departure, 16 people came to the Sunday School! We praise God for this new work and are praying that God raises up the necessary leaders for the harvest he has prepared.
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