We have 5 different varieties presently available (click on each picture to see them in detail). Oatmeal and Milk (contains honey, oatmeal,
milk, vitamin E, and almond), Honey Lemon (contains honey, lemon, vitamin E and
almond), Calendula (contains almond, coconut, pear and calendula petals), Cinnamon (contains orange, cinnamon and almond), and a tropical nut version (contains coconut, lemon, lime and orange) that is used locally to
treat skin dimpling and cellulite.
A regular size soap bar sells for $2.50 or mix and match with 3 smaller squares for $5.00. To order your soap today, just email seed@fmcna.org or call 1-800-342-5531 ext. 249. Check out the SEED site and find some other great items that can make a difference around the world!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Soap for Sale!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Only Shares That Are Going UP!
As friends of the Mexico Mission District which includes Mexico City, you have an awesome opportunity to invest right now in some shares that are guaranteed to bring longterm gains. How is this possible you might ask with all of the economic fears in today's down-turning market? Is this another scam out of Nigeria or China? No!
Today is the day you can invest in Mexico Country Shares! These are hot commodities and likely won't last long. The Mexico Country Shares are used to support a variety of Mexican-led ministries that go hand-in-hand with the other mission activities taking place in Mexico.
For example, the Mission District Director (Jorge Guarello) is responsible for overseeing 10 different churches throughout Central and Southern Mexico.
Most of these churches are led by pastors who don't have a lot of experience. Many of the churches including the one of which the Director is the pastor do not have enough resources to pay a living wage to their pastors. Country Shares are used to pay for the Director's travel as well as his family's grocery money. He is known to share these funds with other pastors who don't have enough to meet their monthly needs.
The Mexico Country Share Budget for 2008 is a little over $31,000. Churches in the Great Plains Conference have committed $7500 this year and South Canaan FMC has committed $500. That leaves $23000 available for your church or Sunday School class or family! Would you prayerfully consider how you might partner with us in seeing these vital Mexican ministries not just survive but thrive? Feel free to email your questions or comments to any of the missionaries you see linked in the right hand column of this blog.
Today is the day you can invest in Mexico Country Shares! These are hot commodities and likely won't last long. The Mexico Country Shares are used to support a variety of Mexican-led ministries that go hand-in-hand with the other mission activities taking place in Mexico.
For example, the Mission District Director (Jorge Guarello) is responsible for overseeing 10 different churches throughout Central and Southern Mexico.
The Mexico Country Share Budget for 2008 is a little over $31,000. Churches in the Great Plains Conference have committed $7500 this year and South Canaan FMC has committed $500. That leaves $23000 available for your church or Sunday School class or family! Would you prayerfully consider how you might partner with us in seeing these vital Mexican ministries not just survive but thrive? Feel free to email your questions or comments to any of the missionaries you see linked in the right hand column of this blog.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Belated Update from February
Friends, here are some news bits from Gary and Jann Allen's February newsletter. You can email them at garjann@gmail.com if you would like to receive their updates in your email.
Several new and exciting things have happened this month.
-- Janette Miller has opened their home to a Women's club for the
church and neighborhood women. It is drawing many women and meeting
various needs. Since we will probably be moving into that house when
the Millers are on home assignment, Jann has also been an active
member of the club.
--Another round of English classes has started. Jann teaches the
basic class, Gary helps with whatever level is needed. Through the
classes we have made a contact to help a university student with
English needed for an economics class. Jann's students showered her
with candy on the "Day of Love and Friendship."
--We opened our guest room to two different couples this month. What
a great chance to renew friendships!
--A VISA team from Peterborough, Canada has been here for the last
week and a half. They have been a huge help finishing up several
construction projects at the Tizoc (our oldest church in Mexico City)
and presenting some exciting and entertaining programs for the
children. The roof of the church parsonage was leaking. They
discovered some termite damage in the process of repairing the roof.
The damaged roof supports have been replaced and the infected areas
have been treated for the termite problem. Just a few of the tiles
needs to be replaced and they have been ordered. We have made new
friends during their stay and they have helped the Tizoc church make
a number of new contacts in the area.
--The COAPA church plant celebrated its first anniversary with a pot-
luck dinner celebration. (The truth is we have a potluck dinner the
first Sunday of every month anyway to celebrate the birthdays of the
members during the last month. The anniversary celebration may have
guaranteed a bigger or better dessert selection!)
In His Glad Service in Mexico City and area,
Gary & Jann Allen
Several new and exciting things have happened this month.
-- Janette Miller has opened their home to a Women's club for the
church and neighborhood women. It is drawing many women and meeting
various needs. Since we will probably be moving into that house when
the Millers are on home assignment, Jann has also been an active
member of the club.
--Another round of English classes has started. Jann teaches the
basic class, Gary helps with whatever level is needed. Through the
classes we have made a contact to help a university student with
English needed for an economics class. Jann's students showered her
with candy on the "Day of Love and Friendship."
--We opened our guest room to two different couples this month. What
a great chance to renew friendships!
--A VISA team from Peterborough, Canada has been here for the last
week and a half. They have been a huge help finishing up several
construction projects at the Tizoc (our oldest church in Mexico City)
and presenting some exciting and entertaining programs for the
children. The roof of the church parsonage was leaking. They
discovered some termite damage in the process of repairing the roof.
The damaged roof supports have been replaced and the infected areas
have been treated for the termite problem. Just a few of the tiles
needs to be replaced and they have been ordered. We have made new
friends during their stay and they have helped the Tizoc church make
a number of new contacts in the area.
--The COAPA church plant celebrated its first anniversary with a pot-
luck dinner celebration. (The truth is we have a potluck dinner the
first Sunday of every month anyway to celebrate the birthdays of the
members during the last month. The anniversary celebration may have
guaranteed a bigger or better dessert selection!)
In His Glad Service in Mexico City and area,
Gary & Jann Allen
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Canadians come to Casa de Paz

While the Seattle team mentioned in the post below worked in Leon, a team from Peterborough, Canada ministered in Mexico City. This group of 14 worked in construction and kids ministry.
The children's ministry was especially impacting as over 50 kids and many of their family members showed up on the final Sunday. During the week, they had enjoyed games, crafts, puppets, memory verses, and clowns. All of the children in attendance for this last service received a small gift bag from the team. Everyone enjoyed a traditional meal of pozole (po-so-lay) after the service as well as birthday cake to celebrate. We saw many new faces during the week and pray that the seeds planted by our friends grow into new life in Christ and new life in the local church. Thanks for joining us in that prayer.
The team also accompanied Pastor Juan and Eva to a new work in a part of the city called Xochimilco. There have been 2 adults and 2 children faithfully attending a short class on Sunday morning. The team had the chance to visit that work twice during their time here and invited many new families and children to the special kids service. They also gave groceries and clothing to some of the neediest families. Pastor Juan reports that the week following the team's departure, 16 people came to the Sunday School! We praise God for this new work and are praying that God raises up the necessary leaders for the harvest he has prepared.
Better Vision in Leon
Here is part of Kevin and Nicole Housel's report from the recent eyeglasses clinic in Leon. A VISA team of 20 people from the Seattle area came down to make this clinic happen. If you'd like to see the rest of the Housels' newsletter, send them an email at knhousel@gmail.com.

Our past week was spent working with a group from
Seattle, Washington. The group came down to serve
the church here in León by offering a vision clinic
and doing construction. During the vision clinic we
were able to hand out fliers about the church and
English classes.
It was a week of hard work for all involved. Each
day the vision clinic had lines of people waiting to
have their eyes checked and to be fitted with glasses.
The group brought thousands of pairs of glasses with
them. Some of these glasses may have been your old
glasses because some of them came from the Lions
During the week, we saw more than 800 people! On
Tuesday we had a record setting day because we saw
more than 270 people and worked for 11 hours. Most
days were closer to 200 people. We prayed everyday
that we would have the glasses that the people coming
would need. There were very few people that we
were not able to fit with glasses.
Our past week was spent working with a group from
Seattle, Washington. The group came down to serve
the church here in León by offering a vision clinic
and doing construction. During the vision clinic we
were able to hand out fliers about the church and
English classes.
It was a week of hard work for all involved. Each
day the vision clinic had lines of people waiting to
have their eyes checked and to be fitted with glasses.
The group brought thousands of pairs of glasses with
them. Some of these glasses may have been your old
glasses because some of them came from the Lions
During the week, we saw more than 800 people! On
Tuesday we had a record setting day because we saw
more than 270 people and worked for 11 hours. Most
days were closer to 200 people. We prayed everyday
that we would have the glasses that the people coming
would need. There were very few people that we
were not able to fit with glasses.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Little Hands in Mexico

"I want to help," said six year old Nasya Myers as I prepared the
Communion elements. So together we filled the tiny cups and arranged
them on a tray to be used at our COAPA church plant. Will this
little girl, whose hands are so eager to help, grow up to be a
missionary like her parents?
"STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM," the beckoning signs read as we traveled
home from a mission retreat with another missionary family. We
pulled over at a roadside stand and ordered the treat. A little girl
was busy helping her mother in any way she could as the dessert was
prepared for us. In most family businesses here in Mexico, the
children begin taking on responsibility and learning the trade as
soon as they are able to handle the small tasks with their little

Little hands reached out for the gifts brought by a mission service
organization. These children (pictured above) live on the edge of the city dumps.
Their life revolves around their small community. Our mission
personnel was invited to go along as translators. Medical, dental,
and vision clinics had been offered, as well as a beauty salon for
these residents. Now it was the last day for the mission
organization to be there, and they gave a Christmas party for the
While we were in Campeche over the Christmas holidays to teach
leadership classes, we were invited to attend a kindergarten school
program. Little hands carried the symbols of Christmas as the
youngsters joyfully sang about the birth of Jesus.
Little hands presented various items to the bride and groom at the
altar. Each item represents a commitment the couple makes to each
other as they repeat their wedding vows. Gary officiated at the
wedding of the young people that we have known since their early
teens. What a joy it was to see them beginning a new family unit,
centered around Christ.
The day after Christmas, a new grandson was born into our family.
Julian Maddox Allen joined big brother Adrian and big sister Jade, in
the wee hours of December 26. Our son and daughter-in-law, Eric and
Summer are the parents of this new addition. We are eager to touch
his little hands when we take our summer vacation in Michigan.
Hands for the Harvest (Matthew 9: 37-38) is the mission theme for
2008. Little hands, big hands, hands around the world, are all
working towards this goal.
We personally thank you for the way you have supported us with
prayers, notes of encouragement, and financial giving over the past
year. We want to remain partners with you as we join hands to enter
a new year.
Your partners in the harvest,
Gary and Jann Allen
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
News from Leon and the Housels

Friends, here is a report from VISA missionaries Kevin and Nicole Housel. They are serving in Leon alongside Pastor Jorge and Teresa. Please be in prayer for them as they adjust to the culture and as they look for ways to plug in to this young congregation. You can email them at knhousel@gmail.com or visit their blog by clicking on their names over in the right column of this blog.
English Classes Beginning
We are now offering English classes at the church. We have 2 classes for adults and 1 for kids. Please pray for this ministry opportunity. We are praying that through these classes we will be able to build relationships with the people in the classes and that more importantly we will be able to share the love of Jesus with them. Many people in other countries are so excited for the opportunity to learn English. We are thankful that we are able to reach out to the city of Leon through teaching English classes free of charge to the students.
Christmas Outreach to Hospital a Success!

A few days before Christmas, we went to the hospital to bring joy to the children. Usually when we go to the hospital, we take food for the relatives of patients in the hospital. For Christmas, we wanted to do something special. We made sacks and filled them with presents for all

of the babies and children that where in the hospital. It was so wonderful to see their faces brighten up when we handed them gifts. Along with bringing gifts for each of the children, we sang them Christian Christmas carols. We were able to bless 49 children and their families!
If you are interested in helping us give gifts to the children in the hospital for Kid’s Day, please contact us. Kid’s Day is a national holiday here in Mexico, so we hope to use it as an opportunity to reach out to the children in the hospital. It is an opportunity to bring joy to the kids who have to spend the holiday in the hospital.

New Ministry?
A new ministry God has placed it on our hearts to start ministering to a neighborhood very close to where we live. This past week we have been praying and talking to the Pastor about options for ministry. We feel that God is leading us towards a children’s ministry. We will write more in our next newsletter! (If you would like to receive the Housels' newsletters by email, simply drop them a note at their email: knhousel@gmail.com)
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